कंस्ट्रक्शन क्षेत्र’ की गुणवता के लिए आवश्यक आई-एस-कोड्स [ बिल्डिंग निर्माण मानक’ ] / All IS Code for Civil Engineering pdf in Hindi;
कैसे जानें सिविल/ स्ट्रक्चरल की, All IS Code for Civil Engineering pdf in Hindi में ! कंस्ट्रक्शन क्षेत्र में आने बाली 3000+ मैटेरियल्स की गुणवता परखने के लिए कोड, सिविल इंजीनियरिंग कोड स्ट्रक्चरल वर्क्स के लिए जानें इस पेज में!
IS-Code 456 for Civil Engineering pdf की जानकारी
ये बिल्डिंग निर्माण के लिए बनाई गई, ( निर्धारित ) न्यूनतम मानकों का सेट है जिसके द्वारा बिल्डिंग निर्माण से जुरी सुरक्षा, कल्याण, और गुणवता को ध्यान में रखकर बनाई गई है! “एक शब्द में” भवन निर्माण के लिए बनाई गई दिशा-निर्देश है!
राष्ट्रिय भवन कोड 1970 में बनाई गई जिसे 1983 और 1987 संशोधन किया गया और 2005 में आईएस-कोड्स 456 को व्यापक रूप से डिजाईन की गई, Architect, Structural Engineering द्वारा प्राकृतिक आपदा से संबंधित सुरक्षा, आग, बिजली को ध्यान में रखते हुए सुरक्षा के लिए बनाई गई कोड!
DOWNLOAD IS CODES सीमेंट और कंक्रीट, Lime & Gypsum के लिए !
डाउनलोड कोड्स | विवरण |
आईएस 269 – 1989 | आर्डिनरी पोर्टलैंड सीमेंट, 33 ग्रेड स्पेसिफिकेशन |
आईएस 383 – 1970 | Coarse & Fine Aggregates Specification |
आईएस 455 – 1989 | पोर्टलैंड स्लैग सीमेंट |
आईएस 456 – 2000 | प्लेन एंड रिनफोर्स्ड कंक्रीट स्पेसिफिकेशन |
आईएस 457 – 1957 | Code of Practice for General Construction works, Plain and Reinforced Concrete in Dams & Massive Structures; |
आईएस 516 – 1959 | Method of Testing Concrete Strengths. |
आईएस 650 – 1951 | Specification for Standard Sand, for Testing of Cement |
आईएस 1199 – 1959 | Methods of Sampling & Analysis of Concrete |
आईएस 1343 – 1980 | Prestressed Concrete |
आईएस 1344 – 1981 | Calcined Clay Pozzolona |
आईएस 1489 पार्ट-2 1991 | Portland Pozzolana Cement – Calcined Clay Based |
आईएस 1489 पार्ट-1 1991 | Fly-Ashed Based PPC |
आईएस 1727 – 1967 | Methods of Testing for Pozzolanic Materials |
आईएस 2386 – 1963 पार्ट-1 | Tests for Aggregates of Concrete |
आईएस 2386 – 1963 पार्ट-2 | Testing Materials for Concrete – Part-II, Estimation of Deleterious materials and Organic Impurities |
आईएस 2386 – 1963 पार्ट-3 | Specific Gravity, Density, Voids, Absorption, and Bulking |
आईएस 2386 – 1963 पार्ट-4 | Mechanical Properties |
आईएस 2386 – 1963 पार्ट-5 | Soundness |
आईएस 2386 – 1963 पार्ट-6 | Measuring Mortar Making, Properties of Fines AGGREGATES |
आईएस 2386 – 1963 पार्ट-7 | Alkali Aggregates Reactivity |
आईएस 2386 – 1963 पार्ट-8 | Petrographic Examination |
आईएस 2430 – 1986 | A sampling of Aggregates for Concrete |
आईएस 2502 – 1963 | Bending & Fixing of Bars for Concrete Reinforcement |
आईएस 2645 – 2003 | Integral Cement Waterproofing Compounds |
आईएस 2770 – 1967 पार्ट-1 | Testing BOND in Reinforced Concrete- Part-1 Pull-out Test |
आईएस 3085 – 1965 | Permeability testing for Cement Mortar & Concrete |
आईएस 3370 – 2009 पार्ट-1 | Part-1 to 4 for Storage of Liquids |
आईएस 3370 – 2009 पार्ट-2 | Concrete of Structures for Storage of Liquids, part-ii reinforced concrete structures |
आईएस 3370 – 1967 पार्ट-3 | Prestressed Concrete |
आईएस 3370 – 1967 पार्ट-4 | Design Tables |
आईएस 3466 – 1988 | Masonry Cement |
आईएस 3535 – 1986 | Hydraulic Cement |
आईएस 3558 – 1983 | Immersion Vibrators |
आई.एस 3812 – 2003 पार्ट 1 | Pulvarised Fuel ash part-1, for use as Pozzolana in cement, Cement, Mortar, and concrete |
आई.एस 3812 – 2003 पार्ट 2 | use admixture in cement, mortar, and concrete |
आईएस 4031 – 1996 पार्ट-1 | Physical Test for Hydraulic Cement, Determination of Fineness, through Dry Sieving |
आई.एस 4031 – 1999 पार्ट-2 | Physical Test for Hydraulic Cement, Determination of Fineness, through Specific Surface – by Blaine permeability methods |
आईएस 4031 – 1988 पार्ट-3 | Physical Test for Hydraulic Cement, Determination of Soundness |
आईएस 4031 – 1988 पार्ट-4 | Consistency Standard of Cement Paste |
आईएस 4031 – 1988 पार्ट-5 | Initial and Final Setting Times of Cement |
आईएस 4031 – 1988 पार्ट-6 | Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement, other than masonry cement |
आईएस 4031 – 1988 पार्ट-7 | Compressive Strength of Masonry cement |
आईएस 4031 – 1988 पार्ट-8 | Transeverse and Compressive Strength of Plastic mortar using the Prism |
आईएस 4031 – 1988 पार्ट-9 | Heat OF Hyderation |
आई.एस 4031 – 1988 पार्ट-10 | Determination of Drying Shrinkage |
आईएस 4031 – 1988 पार्ट-11 | डेंसिटी [ घनत्व ] |
आई.एस.कोड 4031 – 1988 पार्ट-12 | हवा की मात्रा – सीमेंट मोर्टार में |
आईएस कोड 4031 – 1988 पार्ट-13 | Water Retentivity in Masonry Cement |
आईएस 4031 – 1989 पार्ट-14 | FALSE SET |
आईएस 4031 – 1991 पार्ट-15 | Fineness through Wet Sieving |
आईएस 4032 – 1985 | Chemical Analysis of Hydraulic Cement |
आई.एस कोड्स 4305 – 1967 | Glossary of terms, Relating Pozzolana |
आईएस 4634 – 1991 | BATCH TYPE CONCRETE MIXERS |
आईएस 4845 – 1968 | Definition and Terminology relating to hydraulic |
आईएस 4926 – 2003 | Ready Mixed Concrete’ |
आईएस 5512 – 1983 | Flow Table use of Hydraulic Cement & Pozzolanic Materials |
आईएस 5513 – 1996 | Vicat Appartus |
आईएस 5514 – 1996 | Appartus used in Le-chatellier Test |
आईएस 5515 – 1983 | Compaction Factor Appartus |
आईएस 5516 – 1996 | Variable flow type air permeability Appartus test |
आईएस 5525 – 1969 | Detailing of Reinforced in RCC Work |
आईएस 5536 – 1969 | Constant Flow Type, AIR PERMEABILITY APPARTUS, Lea & Nurse Type |
आईएस 5816 – 1999 | Test for Spliting tensile strength of Concrete |
आईएस 6452 – 1989 | High Alumina Cement for Structural Use |
आईएस 6441 – 1971 पार्ट-1 | Glossart terms of Cement Concrete |
आईएस 6491 – 1972 | Sampling Fly-Ash |
आईएस 6909 – 1990 | Super Sulphated Cement |
आईएस 6925 – 1973 | Water Soluble Chlorides in Concrete Admixtures |
आईएस 7246 – 1974 | Table Vibrators for Consolidating Concrete |
आईएस 7320 – 1974 | Slump Test Appartus |
आई.एस 7325 – 1974 | Constituents of Fresh Concrete |
आईएस 7861 – 1975 पार्ट-1 | Extreme weater Concreting |
आईएस 8041 – 1990 | Rapid Hardening Portland Cement |
आईएस 8042 – 1989 | White Portland Cement |
आईएस 8043 – 1991 | Hydrophobic Portland Cement |
आईएस 8112 – 1989 | 43G- OPC |
आईएस 8125 – 1976 | Dimensions and Materials of Cement Rotary Kilns, Components, and Auxiliaries |
आई-एस कोड 8142 – 1976 | Setting time of concrete by penetration Resistance |
आईएस 8229 – 1986 | oil well cement |
आईएस 8425 – 1977 | determination of specific surface areas of powders, through Air Permeability |
आईएस 9012 – 1978 | Practice for shotcreting |
आई.एस 9013 – 1978 | Method of Making, curing, and Determining Compressive Strength of accelerated cured concrete test specimens |
आईएस 9103 – 1999 | Admixtures for Concrete |
आई-एस 9142 – 1979 | Artificial Lightweight Aggregates for Concrete Masonry Units |
आई-एस 9284 – 1979 | Abrasion Resistance of Concrete |
आईएस 9376 – 1979 | Apparatus for Using Aggregates Crushing Value & Ten Percent Fines |
IS 9377 – 1979 | Apparatus for the Aggregates Impact |
IS CODE 9399 – 1979 | Apparatus for Flexural Testing of Concrete |
IS 9459 – 1980 | Apparatus for Use in Measurement of Length Change of hardened cement paste, mortar, and concrete |
IS 9799 – 1981 | Pressure meter for Determination oF AIR-CONTENT OF FRESHLY MIXED CONCRETE |
IS 15388 – 2003 | SILICA FUME CONTENT |
IS 14858 – 2000 | Requirements for compression testing machine used for testing of concrete and mortar |
IS 14867 – 1999 | Falsework for Concrete Structures |
IS 14345 – 1996 | Autoclave Apparatus |
IS 13311 – 1992 PART-1&2 | NDT Test of Concrete – Part-1 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity |
IS 12870 – 1989 | Method of Sampling, Calcined Clay Pozzolana |
IS 12803 – 1989 | Methods of analyzing through hydraulic cement by x-ray fluorescence spectrometer |
IS 12600 – 1989 | Low-heat portland cement |
IS 12423 – 1988 | Colorimetric analysis of hydraulic |
IS CODE 12330 – 1988 | Sulfate resisting portland |
Lime & Gypsum | |
IS 712-1984 | बिल्डिंग लाइम्स |
IS 1624-1986 | फील्ड टेस्टिंग ऑफ़ बिल्डिंग लाइम |
IS 1635-1992 | फील्ड स्लाकिंग ऑफ़बिल्डिंग लाइम, प्रिपरेशन ऑफ़ पुट्टी |
IS 15648-2006 | Pulverized Fuel Ash for Lime Pozzolana mixture Application |
IS 14860-2000 | Fuel saving in vertical mixed feed lime shaft kilns |
IS 14401-1996 | Handling and Storage of Building |
IS 13001-1991 | Manufacture of Gypsum Plaster in Mechanized Pan System |
IS 12894-2002 | Pulverized fuel ash lime bricks |
IS 12679-1989 | Gypsum is use in Plaster, Blocks, and Boards |
IS 12654-1989 | Low-Grade Gypsum in the Building Industry |
IS 10772-1983 | Quick setting lime pozzolana |
IS 10360-1982 | Lime Pozzolana Concrete blocks for paving |
IS 10359-1982 | Manufacturing & use of Lime Pozzolana Concrete Blocks for Paving |
IS 10049-1981 | Lime Based |
IS 9498-1980 | Inorganic Aggregates for use in gypsum plaster |
IS 8272-1984 | Gypsum Plaster is used in the manufacture of Fibrous Plasterboards |
IS 6932-1973_Part-II | Test for Building Limes – Part-2 Determination of Carbon Dioxide Content |
IS 6508-1988 | Glossary of Building Lime |
IS 5817-1992 | Preparation & use of Lime Pozzolana Mixture Concrete in buildings & roads |
IS 4139-1989 | Calcium Silicate Bricks |
IS 4098-1983 | Lime Pozzolana Mixtures |
IS 3115-1992 | Lime Based Blocks |
IS 3068-1986 | Broken bricks coarse aggregates for use in lime concrete |
IS 2849-1983 | Non-Load Bearing gypsum partition blocks |
IS 2686-1977 | Cinders as fine aggregates used in Lime Concrete |
IS 2546-1976 PART-2 | Gypsum Building Plaster – Premixed Lightweight plaster part 2 |
डाउनलोड Building Construction Practices Codes
IS 15345-2003 | इंस्टालेशन ऑफ़ फ्रेमलेस डोर एंड विंडो शटर |
IS 15183-2002 Part-1 | मेंटेनेंस मैनेजमेंट ऑफ़ बिल्डिंग्स – पार्ट-१ जेनरल |
IS 15183-2002 Part-2 | मेंटेनेंस मैनेजमेंट ऑफ़ बिल्डिंग्स – पार्ट-२ फाइनेंस |
IS 15183-2002 Part-3 | मेंटेनेंस मैनेजमेंट ऑफ़ बिल्डिंग्स – पार्ट-३ लेबर |
IS 883-1994 | डिजाईन ऑफ़ स्ट्रक्चरल टिम्बर इन बिल्डिंग्स |
IS 965-1963 | यूनिट्स फॉर स्केल्स, डायमेंशन, Quantities in General Construction works |
IS 1414-1989 | फिक्सिंग ऑफ़ वाल कवरिंग |
IS 1477-1971 Part-1 | पेंटिंग ऑफ़ फेरस मेटल्स इन बिल्डिंग – प्री-ट्रीटमेंट |
IS 1477-1971 Part-2 | पेंटिंग ऑफ़ फेरस मेटल्स इन बिल्डिंग-पेंटिंग्स |
IS 1597-1992 Part-1 | रबल स्टोन masonry |
IS 1634-1992 | डिजाईन एंड कंस्ट्रक्शन ऑफ़ वुड stairs, फॉर हाउस |
IS 1649-1962 | Design & Construction of Flues, and chimneys, for domestic heating appliances |
IS 1834-1984 | Hot-Applied Sealing Compound for Joints in Concrete |
IS 1838-1983 PART-I | Preformed Fillers for Expansion Joints in Concrete Pavement and Structures |
IS 1905-1987 | Structural use of Unreinforced Masonry |
IS 1946-1961 | Fixing Devices in Ceilings, Ceilings, and Floors of Solid Construction |
IS 2110-1980 | in situ construction of walls, in Building with soil cement |
IS 2115-1980 | Flat ROOF Finish – Mud Phuska |
IS 2116-1980 | Sand for Masonry Mortars |
IS 2212-1991 | Brickworks |
IS 2250-1981 | Masonry Mortars |
IS 2338-1967 Part-1 | Wood & Woods Based Materials |
IS 2338-1967 Part-2 | -do- |
IS 2366-1983 | Nail Jointed Timber Construction |
IS 2395-1994 PART-1 | Painting of Concrete, Masonry & Plaster Surfaces – Part-1, Operation & Workmanship |
IS 2395-1994 PART-2 | -do- part 2 |
IS 2441-1984 | Fixing Ceiling Coverings |
IS 2524-1968 PART-1 | Paintings of NON-Ferrous metals in Buildings- pre-treatment |
IS 2524-1968 PART-2 | paintings |
IS 2527-1984 | Fixing Rainwaters, Gutters, and Downpipes for Roof Drainage |
IS 2700-1987 | Practice Roofing with wooden shingles |
IS 2792-1964 | Design & Construction of Stone Slab over Joist Floor |
IS 2858-1984 | Roofing with Mangalore Tiles Specification |
IS 3140-1965 | Painting Asbestos Cement Building Products |
IS 3414-1968 | Design & Installation of Joints in Buildings |
IS 3548-1988 | Glazing in Buildings |
IS 5389-1969 | Laying of Hardwood Parquet & woodblock floors |
IS 5390-1984 | Construction of Timber ceilings |
IS 5807-1975 PART-1 | Clear Finishes For Wooden Furniture – Resistance to dry heat |
IS 6061-1971 PART-1 | Construction of Floor, and roof with joist and Filler Blocks- Part-I, With Hollow Concrete Filler Blocks |
IS 6332-1984 | Construction of Floors and roofs using Precast doubly-curved shell Units |
IS 6509-1985 | Installation of Joints in Concrete Pavements |
IS 9472-1980 | Laying Mosiac Parquet Flooring |
IS 9954-1981 | Pictorial Surface Preparation, Standards for the Painting of Steel SURFACES. |
स्ट्रक्चरल इंजीनियरिंग आई-एस कोड लिस्ट डाउनलोड पीडीऍफ़
IS 801-1975 | कोल्ड Formed लाइट guage स्टील स्ट्रक्चरल members, जेनरल कंस्ट्रक्शन में |
IS 800-2007 | स्टील जेनरल कंस्ट्रक्शन में |
IS 803-1976 | डिजाईन, फेब्रिकेशन, इरेक्शन ऑफ़ वर्टीकल माइल्ड स्टील cylindrical वेल्डेड ऑइल स्टोरेज टैंक्स |
IS 804-1967 | रेक्टंगुलर pressed स्टील टैंक्स |
IS 805-1968 | स्टील इन ग्रेविटी वाटर |
IS 806-1968 | स्टील tubes जेनरल बिल्डिंग कंस्ट्रक्शन |
IS 808-1989 | डायमेंशन फॉर हॉट रोल्ड स्टील, बीम, कॉलम, चैनल एंड एंगल सिलेक्शन |
IS 811-1987 | कोल्ड फोर्म्ड लाइट गेज स्टील स्ट्रक्चर स्टील सेक्शन |
IS 1173-1978 | हॉट रोल्ड स्लिट स्टील टी बार्स |
IS 1252-1991 | डाइमेंशन्स ऑफ़ हॉट रोल्ड स्टील बल्ब्स एंगल्स |
IS 1730-1989 | डाइमेंशन्स ऑफ़ स्टील प्लेट्स,शीट्स, स्ट्रिप्स, एंड फ्लैट्स फॉर जनरल इंजीनियरिंग कंस्ट्रक्शन |
IS 1732-1989 | डाइमेंशन्स फॉर राउंड एंड स्क्वायर स्टील बार्स फॉर स्टील स्ट्रक्चरल एंड इंजीनियरिंग पर्पस |
IS 1852-1985 | रोलिंग & कटाई मार्जिन – हॉट रोल्ड स्टील प्रोडक्ट्स |
IS 1863-1979 | आईएसओ 657-19. हॉट रोल्ड स्टील बल्ब फ्लैट्स |
IS 1864-1989 | आई.एस.ओ 657-18 हॉट रोल्ड स्टील एल सेक्शन – शिप बिल्डिंग्स |
IS 2314-1986 | स्टील शीट Piling सेक्शन |
IS 2713 [ PART 1-3 ] | 1980 की डिटेल्स -Tubular Steel Poles – OH Power Lines |
IS 2750-1964 | Steel Scaffoldings |
IS 3443-1980 | Crane Role Sections |
IS 3908-1986 | Aluminium Equal Leg Angles |
IS 3909-1986 | Aluminium unequal Leg Angles |
IS 3921-1985 | Aluminium Channels |
IS 3954-1991 | Hot Rolled Steel Channel Sections for Engineering Purposes – Dimensions |
IS 3964-1980 | Light Rails Specifications |
IS 4000-1992 | High Strengths Bolts in Steel Structures |
IS-4014 PART-1 | 1967 code of practice for steel tubular scaffolding part-1, Definitions and Materials |
IS-5384-1985 | Aluminium I-Beam |
IS 5488-1987 | Dimensions & Dimensional Tolerance for Hot rolled steel plates for Ships Hull Structures |
IS 6445-1985 | Aluminum Tee Sections |
IS 6449-1987 | Aluminum Bulb Angles for Marine Applications |
IS 6475-1987 | Aluminum Tee-Bars for Marine Application |
IS 6476-1987 | Aluminum Bulb plates for Marine Applications |
IS 7205-1974 | Safety Code, Erection of Steel Structural Works |
IS 7215-1974 | Tolerance, Fabrication of Steel Structural works |
IS 7452-1990 | HOT ROLLED STEEL SECTIONS, For Doors, Windows, and Ventilators |
IS 8081-1976 | Slotted Sections Specification |
IS 8147-1976 | Aluminum Alloys in Structures |
IS 8640-1977 | Dimensionals parameters for Industrial Building |
IS 12778-2004 | Hot-Rolled Parallel Flange’ Steel Section for Beam, Columns, Bearing Pile – Dimensions and Section Priorities |
IS 12779-1989 | Rolling – Cutting Tolerances for hot rolled parallel flanged beam, and Column Sections |
IS 12843-1989 | Tolerances for the Erection of Steel Structures |
Door, Wondow & Shutters IS-CODES Download in Pdf
IS-14856-2000 | ग्लास फाइबर रेनफोर्स्ड प्लास्टिक पैनल “जीआपी” टाइप पैनल डोर शटर – डिटेल्स |
IS-15380-2003 | MOULDED RAISED High Density Fibre “HDF” Panels Doors Specification. |
IS 10521-1983 | Collapsible Gates |
IS 10451-1983 | Steel Sliding Shutters [ Top Hungs ] |
IS 10428-1983 | आईएसओ 1804-1972, ग्लोसरी ऑफ़ टर्म्स, डोर्स के संबंध में |
IS 6248-1979 | मेटल रोलिंग Shutters एंड रोलिंग ग्रिल्स |
IS 6198-1992 | Ledged, Braced, Batten Timber Door Shutters |
IS 4913-1968 | Selection, Installation, and Maintenance of Timbers Doors & Windows |
IS 4351-2003 | Steel Door Frames |
IS-4043-1969 | Recommendation for Symbolic Designation of Direction of Closing and faces of Doors, Windows, and Shutters |
IS 4021-1995 | Timber, Door, Window, and Ventilator Frames |
IS 4020-1998 PART-16 | Screw withdrawal Resistance Test |
IS 4020-1998 PART-15 | Glue Adhesion Test |
IS 4020-1998 PART-14 | Knife Test |
IS 1038-1983 | Steel Doors, Windows, and Ventilators Specifications |
IS 1081-1960 | “FIXING” AND “GLAZING” OF METAL, Door, Window, Ventilator |
IS 1361-1978 | Steel Windows for Industrial Buildings |
IS 1948-1961 | Aluminum Doors, Window, Ventilators |
IS 1949-1961 | Aluminum windows’ for Industrial Buildings |
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