DU Career | देशबंधु महाविद्यालय भर्ती | Assistant Professor Deshbandhu College Recruitment 2022 फॉर्म
How to find Assistant Professor Deshbandhu College Recruitment 2022 Notification? देशबंधु महाविद्यालय, यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ़ दिल्ली द्वारा असिस्टेंट प्रोफेसर के विभिन्न डिपार्टमेंट ( आर्ट्स, कॉमर्स, Humanities, सोशल-साइंसेज, साइंसेज, लाइब्रेरी साइंसेज, भाषा, जर्नलिज्म, मास कम्युनिकेशन और फिजिकल एजुकेशन ) में भर्ती के लिए आवेदन, विज्ञापन डेट से 2 सप्ताह के अंदर माँगी गई है!
Details of Vacancies, Assistant Professor in Deshbandhu College
पदनाम | कुल रिक्त पद | वेतन |
असिस्टेंट प्रोफेसर | 132 | लेवल-10, रु ५७७०० |
विषय के हिसाब से रिक्त पदों की संख्या:
बायो-केमिस्ट्री =05, बॉटनी=11, केमिस्ट्री=07, कॉमर्स=05, कंप्यूटर साइंस=03, इकोनॉमिक्स=08, इंग्लिश=03, इवीएस=03, हिंदी=05, हिस्ट्री=13, मैथमेटिक्स=20, फिलोसफी=03, फिजिकल एजुकेशन=01, फिजिक्स=18, पोलिटिकल साइंस=11, पंजाबी=01, संस्कृत=04, सिन्धी=01, और जूलॉजी=10;
शैक्षणिक योग्यता: मास्टर्स डिग्री / पीजी डिग्री / पीएचडी, ( M.Tech.LLL/ M.Phil / M.Ed or Equiv. + Ph.d. )
Form Fee for Assistant Professor in Deshbandhu College:
For, UR/ OBC/ EWS = RS. 500/-
For, SC / ST / PwBD / Women = NIL
पूरी विज्ञापन पढ़ें / देशबंधु कॉलेज वेबसाइट
Job-alert: Be Aware of Fraudulent Phone Calls or Emails, Try Sarkari Jobs not offering Job or Job Assistance or Never Charge any Candidate Regarding Job. Please write to us any Assistance trysarkarijobs@gmail.com/
लोगों द्वारा पूछे जानेवाले सवाल:
CAN A Person Apply for more than one Faculty Position?
Yes, a Separate Form need to fill for Each Faculty position;
Can Only Indian Citizens apply for the Posts Advertise for Faculty Position?
Besides Indian Citizens, those who have acquired the Status of Overseas Citizens of India “OCI” & Have Necessary Documents in support of the SAME ALSO CAN BE APPLY;
Which Date Should BE Considered, as the Date of Award Degree ( M.Phil/ Ph.D. )?
The Date of Notification of the Result, BY The Universities/ Institution, Would BE Considered, AS THE DATE OF AWARD OF DEGREE ( M.Phil/ Ph.D. )
What Should be Done if the Website Links Stop or Hangs?
IN Order to Avoid the Last-Minute Rush, Applicants ARE Advised, TO Apply Early. IN CASE of Any Technical Issues, Applicants can mail their problem at the college email-id. rec.teaching@db.du.ac.in
Written By : DILIP,
10 Years Experience in Content writing, my Primary Blog is trysarkarijobs.com/
This Content is made for Informational Purpose Only.